Pest Management Strategies

We manage our pests, bugs, birds, and rodents, but we will never totally eliminate all invaders. Every year, new biodiversity study results are released stating there are in fact around 100 different species or so of arthropod that share the average American home.

Arthropod is a category that includes spiders, insects, centipedes, and mites and 100 different species is a conservative estimate! Pest management uses a plethora of techniques and products as we wage war to protect our domicile.

We must first consider our tactics and strategy, the enemy and our level of response.

Pest Management Strategies

Primarily, the traditional approach has been chemical warfare, but with rising environmental and health concerns the “green” approach is gaining traction. Also for high order creatures, humane control is increasingly the go-to for most of us. To plan our strategy, we need to know the enemy. 

Silverfish, earwigs, roaches and ants require a different tactic then controlling scorpions, spiders and centipedes. While rodent control is different yet, with more emphasis on humane as opposed to demise.

Pest Prevention & Exclusion

Mechanical defenses include making certain doors and windows are sealed properly. This not only inhibits pest entry, but also seals against thermodynamic exchange of heat; a very green tactic that affects bugs and bills. Sanitation plays a major role in pest management, so clean up, pay special attention to unneeded or unwanted items and belongings close to the house. 

You want to control the number of pests not provide a breeding environment. Like a home, business or government buildings need the first line of defense to be the perimeter. Keeping pests out is better than trying to eliminate a problem after is has moved in.

Perimeter Pest Control Barrier

Besides sealing doors and windows a barrier is important. Green methods include diatomaceous earth non-calcined (not heat-treated) and boric acid (Borax is nothing more than dry boric acid). Dry diatomaceous earth cuts and erodes the carapace of crawling bugs causing fluid leaks that dehydrate and kill the bugs. It is totally pet and kid safe. 

Boric acid is toxic even if natural, and if used should be mixed with a bait like powdered sugar and place in cracks, crevices and behind appliances where pets and children do not have access. The boric acid is ingested and kills the bug by drying it out and attacking its nervous system. 

Bifenthrin is a neurotoxin that attacks an insect’s nervous system. This chemical is persistent lasting months and is not readily soluble in water. Low concentrations are available for home use, but in higher concentrations a licensed professional is needed.

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