Mosquito Control in Boise, Idaho

Enjoy Your Summer Free From Itchy Pests

Summer means warmer weather and more time outdoors, but it also means increased mosquito activity. No one wants to be itchy and scratched all summer long. Unfortunately, these pests can quickly ruin a good time by leaving behind itchy, red bumps. Plus, These sneaky fliers are known for spreading diseases throughout history.

Mosuitoes Spread Diseases

Mosquitoes are responsible for some of the deadliest epidemics in history. Diseases like yellow fever, Zika virus, and malaria are all spread by mosquitoes. In fact, according to the World Health Organization, mosquitoes are responsible for over 1 million deaths each year.

Ruined Outings

Nobody wants to be itchy and miserable when they’re trying to enjoy time outdoors. Unfortunately, mosquitoes can quickly ruin outdoor fun. From backyard BBQs to camping trips, these pests can make any outdoor activity unenjoyable.

What Attracts Mosquitoes?

  • Mosquitoes are attracted to standing water, where they lay their eggs. They are also attracted to the damp ground, where they live and hide. Mosquitoes like people and animals because they are attracted to the carbon dioxide that man and animals emit. Additionally, mosquitoes are attracted to:
  • Specific scents like air fresheners, deodorants, perfumes, and floral scents. – They are also attracted to lactic acid, which humans emit when active or eating certain foods.
  • Dark colors – Studies have shown mosquitoes are more attracted to darker colors like dark blue and black. From dark-colored garments to dark paint colors, mosquitoes will be more likely to bite individuals wearing or standing near these colors.

What do Mosquitoes Eat?

Mosquitoes primarily eat nectar. Mosquitoes are hungry monsters that enjoy feeding on plant nectar, like juices from flowers and fruits, the sap of plants such as honeydew, or other fluids they get by eating sugary foods. This sugar provides them with energy so they can fly and sustain themselves.

Female mosquitoes also require blood to develop their eggs. Female mosquitoes use their tubelike mouthparts to pierce the skin and withdraw blood. Unfortunately, males’ proboscis is not strong enough to pierce through human skin, so they do not typically bother people.

Why are Mosquitoes Attracted to Some People More Than Others?

Mosquitoes are interested in how you taste. Your blood type, metabolism, exercise, and even drinking beer can make an individual especially tasty to mosquitoes! Mosquitoes bite people to get proteins from our blood. Some research shows they may prefer certain types over others. For example, one study found that mosquitoes landed on people with Type O blood nearly twice as often as those with A or B type in controlled conditions.

There are also other chemicals in our sweat, skin, and breath that can attract mosquitoes. For example, people who produce more lactic acid while exercising are more likely to get bitten. Additionally, pregnant women tend to get more mosquito bites because they exhale more carbon dioxide. Mosquitoes easily detect pregnant women because they think they are hotter and release volatile substances on their skin.

How Long Can Mosquitoes Live Without Food?

Mosquitoes can live for several weeks without food. The length of time a mosquito can go without feeding depends on the species, temperature, and availability of food and water. Some mosquitoes can survive for months in cool weather by entering a state of dormancy called diapause.

How to Tell if You’ve Been Bitten by a Mosquito

The easiest way to tell if a mosquito has bitten you is to look for the telltale red, itchy, or multiple bumps appearing a day or so after the bite or bites. A mosquito bite can also produce dark spots that look like bruises. These symptoms typically go away within a few days. However, if are experiencing more severe symptoms, such as fever, nausea, or vomiting, you should see a doctor immediately.

How Do We Exterminate Mosquitoes?

Same Day Inspections

Our experienced technicians know exactly where to look to find the source of mosquitoes in your home. They love to lay eggs next to standing pools of water or in nice damp places. Here is what we look for: 

  • Possible breeding locations in the home such as drains, sewers, & indoor plants
  • Exterior breeding locations that are typically near sprinklers, standing water, or streams
  • Problem areas, such as neighbors’ homes or parks, extend beyond your property.
  • We complete a full inspection to understand the problem’s extent.

Mosquito Treatment and Removal

Once we have completed our inspection and understand where the problem lies, we can begin treatment. Our approach is to first spray locations where the bugs currently are. This includes bushes and damp ground. Then we attack their nesting grounds so new mosquitoes can’t bother you.

  • Our technicians come to your home at a convenient time, and they immediately get to work.
  • We apply the necessary treatments to the infested areas in your yard and home.
  • We check up to make sure that the problem has disappeared
  • We use the most effective treatments to completely remove the gnats & mosquitoes from and around your home.

Mosquito Prevention

It’s not just about the treatment. It’s about prevention. Our job is not finished until we have taken steps to ensure the mosquitoes do not return. We will help you take the necessary steps to prevent these pests from returning.

  • Apply treatments to prevent the return of the pests
  • Make recommendations to reduce the chance of an infestation, including popular breeding grounds & small changes that make a big difference
  • We want to make sure you never have a family outing ruined again!

Apply Treatments to Prevent Their Return

Pestcom is your best line of defense against mosquitoes. Our experienced professionals will work quickly to get rid of the pests and take steps to prevent them from returning. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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