Lifespan of Wasps

Wasps are a common stinging insect found around spring and summer. They can cause pain both physically as well mentally for homeowners. While wasps are generally disliked for their ability to sting humans, they are an important part of the ecosystem. These flying insects provide an important service by helping control the populations of other insects. They also play an important role in pollination.

Despite their benefits, wasps can be a nuisance when they nest near homes. In addition, they can sting humans and pets, which can cause pain and swelling. Some people are also allergic to wasp stings and can experience anaphylactic shock. 

If you are bothered by wasps near your home, it’s important to know how long they live, so that you can take steps to get rid of them. Wasps can live for up to six weeks after they emerge from their nest. During this time, they will be looking for a place to build their own nest. This blog post will tackle more about wasps and their lifespan.

What are Paper Wasps?

The paper wasp’s name comes from the material they use to build their nests They are also referred to as “umbrella wasps.” They have slender bodies, yellow markings, and black wings. Nests are made of a series of hexagonal cells. The wasps build these cells by folding layers of paper-like material they make from chewed wood pulp. Paper wasps will typically build nests in trees, shrubs, and bushes, but they can also build on man-made structures.

These wasps only sting when threatened, so it’s important to keep a safe distance when observing these insects.

Although paper wasps are not as aggressive as other types of wasps, they can still be dangerous. If you are stung by a paper wasp, you may experience pain, swelling, and redness, and these whole-body effects can trigger allergic reactions that may cause death.

How Long Does a Wasp Live?

The average lifespan of a wasp is about one month. However, some species of wasps can live up to six months. A queen wasp is the last to die in a colony. They can live up to two years.

There are several ways that wasps can die. For example, they can be killed by predators such as birds or spiders, succumb to disease, or die from old age. Additionally, adverse weather conditions can also lead to the death of wasps. For example, during cold winters, wasps will die from freezing temperatures.

Weather can seriously affect the wasp’s lifespan. Extremely cold or hot weather can kill them off fast even if they are well-fed, though faster if food sources are unavailable. On the other hand, their metabolism can slow down if the temperature is just cold enough for them, allowing them to survive longer than usual.

How Long Can a Wasp Live Without Food?

Wasps are incredible creatures that can live for days without food, up to several weeks. However, most wasps will die of starvation in 72 hours or less depending on factors like weather, species, class, diet, and how recently they ate. 

Wasps are Carnivorous

Meat-eating wasps have the advantage over other insects. Their calorie-dense and more filling diets make them less likely to eat often in nature, as well as prolonging how long they can go without another meal because those who eat this way naturally live longer than others!

Some Wasps are Pollinators

These wasps rely on sugar as the majority of their food. Sugar-craving wasps have a higher metabolism and can live very high-energy lives because they get their needs met by feeding on sugary substances. However, this also means that these types of insects will typically pass away sooner than those who don’t depend solely upon sugars; it might take only one day without food for an animal like this to die!

Interestingly, the starvation tolerance of wasps changes due to the developmental stage. For example, newly hatched larvae cannot survive for more than a few hours without food, whereas adult wasps can last several weeks. This is because adults have higher fat content in their bodies and can store food as energy reserves. On the other hand, Larvae do not have these energy reserves and must constantly feed to survive.

How to Get Rid of Wasps?


There are a few ways to remove wasps in Boise, Idaho. The most common way is to contact a professional exterminator who will use pesticides to get rid of the wasps. You can also buy a kit to get rid of wasps or use a homemade remedy.

The most important thing to remember when getting rid of wasps is to be careful and avoid getting stung. Wasps are very protective of their nests and will sting if they feel threatened. Be sure to wear protective clothing and follow the instructions in any removal kit or remedy you use.

It is also important to note that not all wasps are pests. Many wasp species are beneficial because they help control the population of other insects. If you are unsure whether or not a particular wasp is harmful, contact a professional for assistance.

Wasp nests can be a real nuisance, but you can get rid of them safely and effectively with a little bit of knowledge and some careful precautions.

If you’re having trouble getting rid of wasps on your own, be sure to contact a professional pest control exterminator, like Pestcom for assistance. They will have the experience and expertise to handle the job quickly and safely

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