The house fly is a small insect that can be found almost everywhere around the world. They are small and black with wings but can be hard to see because they flap so fast (about 200 times per second). Flies belong to a group called Diptera which means “two wings.” This makes them different from other insects that have three or four wings. Houseflies eat decaying matter like garbage and feces. It has been known to spread diseases and cause infections in humans, which is why there are many ways to get rid of them from your home. This blog post will discuss what makes these insects unique, how you can prevent these insects from entering your home, as well as some tips on what to do if they have already entered your space.
What is Fly and What Makes it Unique?
Fly is an order of insects that contains more than 120,000 species. They are small, often less than 6 mm long, and generally have two pairs of wings. The mouthparts are adapted for sucking liquids, and the larvae have a typical C-shape body plan. The name “fly” is derived from the Old English word flīe, which means small, winged insect.
As said above, housefly belongs to the order Diptera. The order includes the house fly, the blue bottle, the green bottle, the flesh fly, and the blowfly. The house fly is the most common type of fly, and it is found worldwide. However, it is a nuisance because it often lands on food and contaminates it with its saliva and feces. In addition, the larvae of the fly feed on feces and other decaying organic matter, so the housefly is often considered one of the most dangerous flies.
The bluebottle, also known as a bottle bee or blowfly, has anatomical structures that make it very easy to lay eggs in meat and open wounds. Unfortunately, the larvae then eat the decaying meat, which makes this fly very dangerous.
The greenbottle is one of the most common flies in Europe. It lays eggs on fruit and vegetables, mainly around farms or markets selling fresh produce. The larvae live off their food source until they are ready to pupate, taking anywhere between two days and two weeks.
The flesh fly is a small black fly that breeds in rotting meat and animal carcasses. The larvae of the flesh fly are known to spread disease, so they are considered a major health hazard.
The blowfly is a large blue fly that breeds in dung and decaying organic matter. It is attracted to meat, so it often lands on meat and lays its eggs. The larvae hatch quickly and feed on the decaying flesh, which makes them dangerous as well.
Some flies, such as houseflies, actually use their eyes to help them see. They also have two strong compound eyes that give them good depth perception and three simple eyes (ocelli) on top of their head that help them sense light intensity. Flies have very good color vision, which allows them to find food in dirty places. Their eye is reflective, which may help them avoid being seen by prey animals when the fly is hunting in low-light conditions.
One of the things that makes flies unique is their ability to move quickly. They can do this by using their wings to generate a force that propels them forward. Flies also have a unique way of sensing their environment. Their eyes can detect movement, which helps them to avoid obstacles. A fly’s flight control and vision system work together to ensure they can navigate around objects while flying.
House Fly Lifecycle
A house fly’s lifecycle starts with an egg stage. Then, the eggs hatch and go through three larval stages. After the third larval stage, the maggot becomes a pupa and then an adult fly.
House flies usually lay their eggs on feces or decaying matter. The adult fly can deposit up to 8,000 eggs in its lifetime of about two months. The female lays several batches of eggs during her life span of about four weeks. Each batch contains about 100-300 eggs and is deposited where there is decaying organic material. The eggs are smooth, white, one millimeter long, and shaped like a teardrop.
After about 12 hours, the egg hatches into tiny, wormlike larvae called maggots. Maggots have chewing mouthparts used for eating solid foods instead of sucking liquids. A maggot’s skin is shed four times as it grows and develops into a fly. They go through three larval stages, or instars, before becoming an adult houseflies.
After about four days of development, the maggot crawls away from the decaying organic material to find a protected, moist area to pupate (rest) and grow its outer shell. When pupating, a maggot attaches itself with a thin silky thread to a solid surface on which it sheds its skin for the last time. It emerges from its shed exoskeleton as an adult house flies after about eight days.
An average fly lives about 21 days during summer but can live two or three months in winter. In some parts of the world, a fly’s life span is much longer.
How to Get Rid of House Fly
Houseflies are one of the most common pests. They breed rapidly and can contaminate food and surfaces with their droppings. In addition to being a health hazard, flies can be a nuisance as they swarm around people and animals.
There are several ways to control houseflies, including exclusion, sanitation, and chemical means.
Exclusion prevents houseflies from entering a building by closing any exterior doors and windows where the flies enter. Removing food sources, garbage cans, and damp organic matter can also reduce fly breeding areas around a home or workplace.
Sanitation means keeping your place clean. Sweep and mop your floors, and wipe down all of your surfaces. Dispose of any garbage or food scraps, and make sure that your trash cans are sealed tight.
If you have a pet, make sure to keep your pet’s food and water dishes clean. Pet droppings can also be a breeding ground for flies.
Sanitation of infested surfaces with chemicals such as propylene glycol will kill adult flies and larvae present.
There are many chemical sprays, baits, and traps available to control houseflies. Some of these products can be purchased at local hardware or grocery store. Others require a pest control professional to apply them.
It is important to read the label instructions carefully before using any chemical product to control flies. Many of these products are poisonous and can be harmful if not used properly.
If all of these steps don’t get rid of the flies, you may need to call a professional exterminator.