When it comes to commercial or residential buildings, pigeons are unwelcome guests. They not only damage rooftops with nesting and pooping all over. They are also known to carry harmful pathogens. For these reasons, every home and commercial property or building should consider pigeon control as a priority. Pestcom Pest Control would like to enlighten folks about pigeons and some of the valuable methods to control them.
Where Do Pigeons Live?
Pigeons are found all over the world. They favor living near humans for easier food and nesting grounds. Pigeons love to nest under eaves or on top of roofs near or under A/C units or any other structure that can provide shelter. Pigeons will also eat just about anything, especially discarded food, or even pet food. They will even dig into garbage cans if there is anything easily obtained. You can find pigeons on the roofs of homes, parking lots, large garage parking, or on top of large buildings.
Diseases & Illnesses Caused by Pigeon Droppings & Feathers
Pigeons pose a threat in several ways. For those that make their nest right next to the A/C unit, often the lice or pests on their feathers, as well as any pathogens they may be carrying, can be sucked through the A/C system and passed into homes or buildings. They do pose a health risk especially to the elderly or to those with a weaker immune system. Additionally when nesting or roosting, pigeons emit large amounts of feces that build up and begin to corrode roofing materials. This forces costly replacement or repairs.
Pigeon Prevention & Repellents
To prevent pigeons, start with keeping the food and property free of food and water. Pigeons will roost and nest where food is easily accessed. If your home or business is becoming overrun with pigeons, start to look around for both a water and food source.
Make sure to eliminate both. Next, you will want to prevent them from roosting or landing on your roof or any other ledge they may frequently perch on. Do this with the aid of spiked strips. Various types of strips can be attached to ledges or rooftops that stop pigeons from landing. Next, you will want to use netting-like material or metal mesh to cover the eaves that pigeons like to build their nest under. The last thing in preventing pigeons is to scare tactics. The use of predatory figures such as hawks, owls, and even snakes discourages pigeons from wanting to hang around for too long. With areas without food, water or nesting grounds, more often than not, the pigeons will move on. However scare tactics may begin to fail over time if there is a resource needed by pigeons. Either they overcome their fear of the perceived threat or they begin to realize it is not a threat at all.
That is why it is important to have a successful pigeon control program. Remember; to eliminate food, water, and nesting areas, followed by ensuring their inability to land or roost.